Marcos Kalinowski

Marcos Kalinowski

Marcos Kalinowski

Professor of Software Engineering in the Department of Informatics at PUC-Rio. The postgraduate program of the Department of Informatics is evaluated by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Postgraduate Education (CAPES) as being of international excellence (maximum score, 7). Head of the E&A SE (Experimental and Applied Software Engineering) research group at PUC-Rio, which is part of the LES (Software Engineering Laboratory). Member of the ISERN (International Software Engineering Research Network) and active in international research collaborations. Spent more than 10 years working in the software industry (as developer, manager, consultant, and director) before becoming a professor.

His research has in-depth focus on problems and needs of the software industry and is available in publications in renown journals and conferences. Serves as editorial board member to the Journal of Systems and Software. Reviewed scientific papers for prestigious journals (e.g., Journal of Systems and Software, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Software). Has served as PC chair for several conferences, including ESEM (Industrial Track), PROFES (Short Paper Track), and CIBSE (General PC Chair). Currently PC member of: ESEM, EASE, EuroMicro SEAA, PROFES, SWQD, CIBSE, SBES and SBQS.