Design Science for PhD Research in the Software Engineering Domain
The keynote will introduce the principles of Design Science with the perspective developed by Prof. Roel Wieringa in his book “Design Science”, clearly distinguishing between questions of knowledge and engineering problems, and introducing the research cycles that correspond to each case. A rigorous framework for the structuring and development of Doctoral Thesis work will be presented from a methodological point of view and with concrete examples, which participants will be able to apply to their Doctoral Thesis work. The final objective is that doctoral students know how to apply the principles of Design Science to the development and management of their scientific work and can use an effective research methodology, well supported by clear concepts and efficient in their application.
Prof. Oscar Pastor is Full Professor and Director of the R&D Center for “Methods of Software Production (PROS)” of the UPV. He received his doctorate in Computer Science in 1992. He has more than 350 research publications according to Microsoft Academic, Google Scholar and DBLP, with an h index of 46 and a total of 8955 citations according to Google Scholar. In the field of conceptual modeling, he was awarded the Peter P. Chen Prize in 2016. He has been a guest lecturer In many forums, Member of the Honorary Committee of first level international conferences such as ER, CAiSE, ESEM, REFSQ, ICWE, CIbSE or RCIS, he has participated in Scientific Committees of more than 200 international conferences in the last 25 years. His research work has focused on Conceptual Modeling and Information Systems Engineering, with recent research activity in the field of Biomedical Engineering and the Science of Genomic Data. He has directed 29 Doctoral Theses and more than 50 Thesis and Master Theses. In a context of technology transfer based on these results, he led the R&D that was generated by the spin-off company CARE Technologies, established in 1996, and the company GEM Biosoft in 2010. He currently leads a very promising line of research that applies conceptual modeling in bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, aimed at addressing the challenge of understanding the language of life from advancing the understanding of the human genome by developing genomic information systems intended to make precision medicine viable.
Oscar Pastor