Call for Research Proposals

To apply as a student participant in the Doctoral Symposium, you should prepare a package consisting of two parts:

1) a research paper submitted through EasyChair, and

2) a Letter of Recommendation from your advisor.

Part 1: Research Proposal submitted through EasyChair (max. 6 pages)

All submissions must be written in English and formatted according to the ACM Software Engineering Notes manuscript format. Any papers that exceed the 6 page limit, or are outside the scope of the symposium, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review. All papers must be submitted through in PDF format. Please select the Doctoral Symposium track (see below) for your submission.

In EasyChair:

  • Indicate if you are an early-stage or a mid-stage PhD submission:

    • Early-stage submissions must include a well-defined PhD topic, a set of research questions, and a preliminary research design.

    • Mid-stage submissions must define the PhD topic, outline the research plan, discuss experiments and results thus far, and discuss specific challenges in executing the research and analysis.

  • Provide the following contact information:

    • Your name, affiliation, email address, and personal website.

    • Your advisor’s name and email address.

Your research proposal must contain:

  • A title for your work.

    • The subtitle must state either Early-stage or Mid-stage

  • An abstract (maximum 200 words)

  • A main description of your research work that covers:

    • Section 1: The technical problem to be solved, a justification of its importance to software engineering, and a set of research questions.

    • Section 2: Related works and the potential contribution of your research to the state-of-the-art.

    • Section 3: A sketch of the proposed approach or solution, including:

      • The research methodology to be used to achieve the research goals, including a brief description of the work accomplished to date and

      • A plan for evaluating your work and presenting credible evidence of your results to the research community. The plan should include a timeline with milestones.

      • Possible threats to validity and other challenges facing your approach.

    • Section 4: Progress toward your goals to date: what you have already done and what you still need to do.

    • Section 5: The expected contributions of your dissertation research.

Students at the early stage of their research might have some difficulty in addressing some of these areas, but should make their best attempt. Submissions that do not comply with the foregoing instructions will be desk rejected without review.

Research proposals must be submitted electronically through EasyChair ( by the stated deadline.

Part 2: Letter of Recommendation

Please ask your advisor to submit a letter of recommendation in support of your application. This letter should include your name, a candid assessment of the current status of your dissertation research, list of publications on your topic so far (if any), and an expected date for dissertation submission. The letter should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject “ESEM 2019 Doctoral Symposium Recommendation”.